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What We Believe

Our Mission: Transform Society

As a community of learners committed to historic Christianity, Roberts Wesleyan University seeks to prepare thoughtful, spiritually mature, service-oriented people who will help transform society.

Our Philosophy: Address the Entire Person

At Roberts, we believe the best education addresses the person in his or her entirety - as a physical, psychological, social, rational, and spiritual being.  A Roberts education presupposes both the complexity of the world and the diversity of human nature.  It is one in which the students investigate the aesthetic, historic, philosophic, scientific and professional disciplines.  No one method of inquiry or verification is regarded as the sole route to knowledge, nor does one set of skills provide sufficiently for a life of service and achievement.

Given our rich Christian heritage and a dedication to education for character, Roberts remains committed to integrating a Christian worldview and learning into everyday life and work.  Roberts students are active participants in the learning community of the College.

Our Foundational Assumptions: Scholarship, Spiritual Formation, and Service

The mission of Roberts Wesleyan University is anchored in shared assumptions about:


  • The world reflects the mind and purpose of the Creator.
  • God desires people to reflect upon the world thoughtfully.
  • Faith precedes and conditions all understanding.
  • Knowing the truth requires people to act upon that truth.

Spiritual Formation

  • The study of Scripture – the authoritative guide for faith and life – is the foundation for an informed Christian worldview.
  • We affirm the richness of diverse traditions within historic Christianity.
  • We honor the Creator through nurturing the life of the mind.
  • Each member of the community is shaped and strengthened in faith through shared experiences.


  • Christian service derives from the Biblical mandate to love God and to love one’s neighbor as oneself.
  • Christian commitment to servant-leadership should contribute to constructive and restorative acts.
  • Christian service responds to the diverse needs of individuals and communities.
  • Christians learn and grow from serving others.

Our Graduates

As a result of the opportunities provided them, the ideal graduates of Roberts Wesleyan University will be characterized by:

Thoughtful Engagement that includes:

  • Lifelong habits of inquiry, reflection, and critical thinking from a Christian perspective
  • Competence in their chosen discipline
  • Sound choices leading to intellectual, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being

Spiritual Maturity that values:

  • An ability to articulate a Christian worldview
  • Excellence and integrity in work, family, service, and culture, with Christ as an example
  • A desire to extend compassion, mercy, and justice to all people

Commitment to Service that reflects:

  • A clear sense of vocation through meaningful avenues of service
  • The knowledge and skills needed to contribute meaningfully to society
  • The desire to participate as world citizens with a cross-cultural awareness and a global perspective
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